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Software Upgrade

Install Upgrade Tool Software

Preparation needed:

  1. Obtain the installation tool software io-dev-updator from the official product source.
  2. Prepare an Ethernet cable.

Tool Software io-dev-updator

1. Hardware Connection

Connect the Telesuit back main control to the Telebox fixed IP port using an Ethernet cable.

Back Main ControlFixed IP Port
Back Main ControlFixed IP Port

Use another Ethernet cable to connect the Telebox variable IP port to the external internet.

Variable IP Port

Prepare a laptop that can connect to WiFi normally, and connect the laptop's WiFi to the same teleoperation device's WiFi.

Router WiFi name: Check the sticker on the side of the Telebox.

Router WiFi password: minnanoIO2023

Router NameSelect WiFiSuccessfully Connected

Open a browser, enter the URL and navigate to the TeleXperience configuration webpage.

Switch the mode in the system configuration to "Upload Mode" and click "Apply Configuration".

Status Confirmation

At this point, check the lights on top of the Telebox, they should all be in a steady white state.

2. Install Tool Software on Telesuit

Copy the installation package to Telesuit

scp io_dev_updator_v1.1.1.deb io@

Log in to Telesuit

ssh io@

Set up the network

sudo ip route add default via

Check the network environment


If the connection is successful, the result is as follows:

Install io-dev-updator

sudo dpkg -i /home/io/io_dev_updator_v1.1.1.deb

Status Confirmation

After installation, the laptop should be able to access the webpage normally.

3. Install Tool Software on Telebox

Copy the installation package to Telebox

scp io_dev_updator_v1.1.1.deb orangepi@

Log in to Telebox

ssh orangepi@

Set up the network

sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o enP4p65s0 -j MASQUERADE
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -m conntrack --ctstate RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i enP3p49s0 -o enP4p65s0 -j ACCEPT

Check the network environment


If the connection is successful, the result is as follows:

Install io-dev-updator

sudo dpkg -i /home/orangepi/io_dev_updator_v1.1.1.deb

Status Confirmation: After installation, the laptop should be able to access the webpage normally.

Update Telesuit

Open the corresponding Telesuit update webpage, select the installation package, and click upload and install.

⚠️ Note

When updating, be sure to check the correct URL and select the corresponding installation package to ensure accuracy. Otherwise, it may cause data loss or TeleXperience service interruption and other serious consequences.

Wait for the installation

When Installation Successful! appears, it means the Telesuit update has been successfully completed.

Update Telebox

Open the corresponding Telebox update webpage, select the installation package, and click upload and install.

⚠️ Note

When updating, be sure to check the correct URL and select the corresponding installation package to ensure accuracy. Otherwise, it may cause data loss or TeleXperience service interruption and other serious consequences.

Wait for the installation

When Installation Successful! appears, it means the Telebox update has been successfully completed.

At this point, the teleoperation software update is complete, and you can continue with the teleoperation experience.